About Me

My name is Raul and I go to Linda Esperanza Marquez high school.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Student Success Statement
"Man's rise or fall, success or failure, happiness or unhappiness depends on his attitude....a man's attitude will create the situation he imagines."
James Allen
What i think this quote means is that a man is shaped from the his experience in life.
Clinical Manager

Duties and Responsibilities:
Medical and health services managers held about 315,500 jobs in 2012. Most medical and health services managers work in offices in healthcare facilities, including hospitals and nursing homes, and group medical practices.
The median annual wage for medical and health services managers was $88,580 in May 2012. The median wage is the wage at which half the workers in an occupation earned more than that amount and half earned less. The lowest 10 percent earned less than $53,940, and the top 10 percent earned more than $150,560

Medical and health services managers typically need at least a bachelor’s degree to enter the occupation. However, master’s degrees in health services, long-term care administration, public health, public administration, or business administration also are common.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Student Success Statement 
"You will never be a winner if you lose your temper"
I think this quote means thats you must be able to control yourself if you ever want to be a winner and focus on the objective.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Student Success Statement
"The reward for doing right is mostly an internal phenomenon: self -respect, dignity, integrity, and self-esteem."
Dr. Laura Schlessinger

When you do the right thing you learn, and you feel good inside.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

When you tell one lie
When you tell one lie, it leads to another
So you tell two lies to cover each other
Then you tell three lies and, Oh Brother,
You're in trouble up to your ears!

So you tell four lies to try to protect you
Then you tell five lies so folks won't suspect you
Then you tell six lies and you'll collect
A life filled with worries and fears

'Cause you can't remember how many lies you.ve told
And half the things you say aren't true
And sometime you'll slip up, you'll trip up and then
Whatever will become of you?

So you lie and lie without ever trying
And each lie you tell will keep multiplying
'Till the whole wide world will know you're lying
Then you'll be
And you should!
When you lie, you're closing the door
On everything good
Student Success Statement
"The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in DETERMINATION."
Tommy Lasorda

What this quote means is that if you never give up and always keep your head up you will be successful.
Pharmacy Technician
Duties AND Responsibilities: Pharmacy Technicians work in pharmacies under the direction of a pharmacist.  Their main responsibility is filling prescriptions according to doctors' orders for patients.  Technicians measure out correct amounts of medication from larger containers to prescription size containers.  In addition, they add drugs to intravenous solutions.  All of their prescription filling work is rechecked by a pharmacist before medications are dispensed to patients or customers. 
Salary: $15,000 - $25,000
Education: Students should take math, science (especially chemistry), and typing courses in high school. A high school diploma is usually required to begin pharmacy technician training.  Two year courses leading to certificates are available at most community collages.  Six month programs are offered at privately operated schools.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Student Success Statement
"Persistence can change failure into extraordinary achievement."
Matt Biondi
I think what this quote means is that if you try your best and get back up when you fail you will accomplish many things 
Osteopathic Physician, D.O.
(D.O. = Doctor of)

Duties and responsibilities:
Osteopathic physicians use accepted methods of diagnosing and treating injuries and diseases.  Although they practice in all branches of medicine and surgery like allopathic physicians (M.D.s), they differ by emphasizing the importance of the musculoskeletal system, holistic medicine, proper nutrition, and environmental factors in maintaining good health.  Osteopaths use a hands-on approach to medicine and frequently manipulate or palpate as part of diagnosis and treatment.  They work primarily in osteopathic hospitals or private practice, however many allopathic hospitals now accept osteopathic physicians as staff members.  The majority of osteopaths are general practitioners, family practitioners, or emergency medicine specialists.
Students should take the most challenging high school courses (including AP or IB courses) available in science, math, and English. After three or four years of college, prospective physicians must attend medical school.  Undergraduate requirements for admission to all medical schools include one year of basic chemistry, one year of organic chemistry, one year of biology, and one year of physics.  Some medical schools also require course work in calculus, English, the humanities, or social science. Medical school usually includes two years of additional study in both basic and clinical sciences and is followed by a year-long hospital internship.  Physicians who want to specialize must then undertake a three-year residency in their specialty.
Duties and responsibilities:
Osteopathic physicians use accepted methods of diagnosing and treating injuries and diseases.  Although they practice in all branches of medicine and surgery like allopathic physicians (M.D.s), they differ by emphasizing the importance of the musculoskeletal system, holistic medicine, proper nutrition, and environmental factors in maintaining good health.  Osteopaths use a hands-on approach to medicine and frequently manipulate or palpate as part of diagnosis and treatment.  They work primarily in osteopathic hospitals or private practice, however many allopathic hospitals now accept osteopathic physicians as staff members.  The majority of osteopaths are general practitioners, family practitioners, or emergency medicine specialists.
Students should take the most challenging high school courses (including AP or IB courses) available in science, math, and English. After three or four years of college, prospective physicians must attend medical school.  Undergraduate requirements for admission to all medical schools include one year of basic chemistry, one year of organic chemistry, one year of biology, and one year of physics.  Some medical schools also require course work in calculus, English, the humanities, or social science. Medical school usually includes two years of additional study in both basic and clinical sciences and is followed by a year-long hospital internship.  Physicians who want to specialize must then undertake a three-year residency in their specialty.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Student Success Statement
"No student ever attains eminent success by simply doing what is required of him/her; it is the amount and excellence of what is over and above the required that determines the greatness of ultimate distinction"
Charles Kendall Adams, American History
This quote means you always have to go above the limit and never under or on it.