About Me

My name is Raul and I go to Linda Esperanza Marquez high school.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Social Media
Raul Ramos
Period: 1
October 21, 2013

Social Media is has some pro’s and con’s. The pros are that it makes communication so easy. People can communicate from the other side of the country. People can even share their moments by posting up some pictures of them selves on the web. With social media people can meet new people and get to know each other. Social media makes communication so easy. The bad things about social media is what ever you post up on the internet never erases. If you post up an embarrassing photo of you’re self on the internet it nearly imposable to erase. One of the most dangerous things about social media is cyber bulling. Cyber bulling is very dangerous, mostly targets kids that will kill them selves over some stupid comments that other kids post up about them on Facebook, twitter, instagram, etc. The bad thing about social media is that can track you down. Another good thing is communicating with people that live to far to visit. Another good thing about social media is that most teachers these days post up the homework online. When people hack into you’re personal information they can post inappropriate things or steal you’re things. That’s why for safty you should never give you’re information online. social media also destracts people from reality, some kids will spend the whole day on the T.V, computer, and phone. Social media can be a good thing, kids can do their homework online, do some research for a project, and write their essays on the computer.        

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